no dairy , no whey

Cookies for the Holidays…recipies fitting into a dairy free kitchen

Now with Thanksgiving over we are getting ready for Christmas, and the Holidays. I have always liked to make cookies this time of year. From now to Christmas I will post recepies I make which are all safe for the Galactosemic diet

Ausstecherle (cut-outs)

Ingredients for the dough (sorry its all metric, but you can convert here –> you must adjust the type of units on the screen)

250 gram Flour
125 gram Powderd Sugar
Grated lemon rind of 1/2 lemon
1 Egg
150 gram Earth Balance (this is where the recipe calls for butter)

1. Add flower, with sugar and lemond rind.
2. Add the egg in the middle, and surround it with the Earth Balance cut up in small pieces
3. Mix everything up either by hand or with the dough hook on your mixer
4. Roll dough up put into foil, and let rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour

5. Preheat oven to 360 F
6. Roll dough 3 – 4 mm thick out
7. Cut out hears, starts, etc. and put on baking sheet that has been lined with Parchment Paper
8. Bake 8 – 10 minutes until cookies are golden
9. Let cookies cool off

125 gram Powdered Sugar
2 – 3 TB Lemon Juice

10. Mix sugar with the lemon juice –> it must be thick
11. Brush frosting on the cookies
12. Decorate cookies with colored sugar, or any other decors

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